Help with simple development tasks.

This is the branch we are using:

You can clone the single branch:
git clone --single-branch --branch blackcoin-more-dev blackcoin-more-dev

Or whatever you want to call it... Is defined at the end:

First compile the dependencies:

cd depends
make HOST=x86_64-linux-gnu -j$(nproc)

Will take a looooooooooooooooong time, hour or so.

When done... cd back into the root of the branch:

./configure --prefix=$PWD/depends/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --disable-tests --disable-bench --disable-gui-tests LDFLAGS=-static-libstdc++ 
make -j$(nproc)

I use Gitkraken to visualize the branch and the changes I make.

I use Visual Studio Code to compare and edit the codes from BTC / BLK / QTUM

Basically, we compile and try to solve the errors by comparing the code. Besides BTC and QTUM we also compare to PPC, LTC and some other similar projects.

I use meld to compare files.

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